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Cairngorms National Park Authority Finance Committee Paper 1 Annex 3 16/05/08 CNPA Operational Plan 2008/09 As amended following 20 March Finance Committee and Board meetings, and 15 April MT Ref / NPP Priority for Action / NPP ref. / CNPA Action / Budget (£000) 2008/09 6.1 Biodiversity & Landscapes 1 Landscapes 1a Develop Landscape Management Plan 45 2 1b ID areas of wildness experience & quantify through rest of Park 3 1c ID detractors from wildness qualities & mitigate 10 4 1d Ensure developments make a positive contribution to landscape 5 1e Sustainable Design advice 0 6 1f L/S character assessment; ID detractors & mitigate against them 7 Historic Environment 2a Co-ordinate audit 8 2b Co-ordinate assessment and research 9 2c Co-ordinate information and promote resource 10 2d Safeguard features via PDM 11 Biodiversity 3a Biodiversity Research 16 12 3b Biological records centre 15 13 3c Complete gaps in surveys for prioritised spp & habitats 8 14 3d Ensure developments make a positive contribution to biodiversity 8 15 3e Priority species and habitat conservation 20 16 3f Control non-native species 0 17 3g Economic benefits - case studies 18 3h Extend raptor watch programme 10 19 3i Partnership to tackle wildlife crime 20 3j ID species in serious decline for reintroductions or translocations 15 21 3k Reintroduction feasibility studies 22 3l Fill gaps in habitat network surveys to inform LM incentives 10 23 3m Target incentives re. networks 24 3n Reinstate wetland/flood plains 25 3o in-stream/bank side study 26 3p Collate/publicise climate change monitoring & research work 27 3q Involve/train volunteers 28 Geodiversity 4a Geodiversity audit & action plan 29 4b A&E of Park's geodiversity 30 4c Safeguard geodiversity via PDM 31 4d Land management support to protect geodiversity 32 4e Promote management for soil protection & enhancement 33 4f Guidance for developers 34 TOTALS Biodiversity and Landscapes 157 35 6.2 Public Support for Land Mgt 1a ID public benefits that are priorities in the NP & tailor public support 36 1b Co-ordination of support mechanisms, Green Farm Audits, Land management sustainability projects (incl CMP) 50 37 1c Modelling with MLURI on landscape scale planning for public benefits 23 38 1d ID & capture non-market value of special qualities created and maintained by land managers 39 1e As part of L/S scale approach encourage whole unit & collaborative land management planning to max. benefits 40 1f Land Management Support Officers and advice/support for land managers 50 41 1g Support improved communication between land managers, peer groups, local communities etc. about management objectives and practices to inform development of priorities 20 42 1h Work together to monitor delivery of priority public benefits by LMs to use as a basis of feedback and review of priorities, the advisory network, unity management plans and practices 5 43 TOTALS Integrated Land Management 148 44 6.3 Sustainable Deer Mgt 1a Service CDAG meetings (3 times per year) improve communication and exchange of information b/w land managers, agencies and communities 5 45 1b Develop & implement an inclusive deer management process across the Park and gain ‘buy-in’ and active support from DMGs 46 1c Impacts of deer & sheep grazing on deer management plans for non-designated sites 17 47 1d No CNPA Actions 48 1e Co-ordinate opportunities to increase socio economic value of deer 10 49 1f No CNPA Actions 50 TOTALS Sustainable Deer Management 32 51 6.4 Opportunities for Outdoor Access 52 Improve path condition & quality 1a Submit Core paths Plan 7 53 1b Park-wide survey of upland paths 0 54 1c Upland path repair guidance 55 1d CNP Trust 150 56 1e Improve/extend strategic routes 75 57 1f Opportunities for all abilities 0 58 1g Remove physical access barriers 0 59 1h Access for horse riders 0 60 1i Access for cycling 0 61 1j Access to water 0 62 1k Functional off-road walking and cycling routes 0 63 1l Countryside access management system 2 64 1m Promote grant schemes 0 65 1n Feedback re. access opportunities 0 66 1o Socio-economic value of paths 0 67 Promoting responsible outdoor 2a Promote access code 5 access & management 68 2b Promote responsible behaviour 0 69 2c Access Authority role 0 70 2d LOAF - manage meetings, annual event & report 7 71 2e Develop groups to share best practice 0.5 72 2f Share good practice between land managers 0.5 73 2g Feedback to SNH re. SOAC 0 74 2h Promote best practice re. use of signs 1 75 2i Policy on outdoor events 3 76 2j Discourage camping along public roads at unmanaged sites 0 77 2k No CNPA Actions 0 78 2l Promote SOAC via Ranger services 0 79 Promoting visitor information about outdoor access opportunities 3a Visitor info about access opportunities 30 80 3b Technical advice re. way marking 0 81 3c Develop consistent design for path guides 0 82 3d Promote outdoor access opportunities 0 83 3e Cairngorms explorer 0 84 Promoting sustainable transport for enjoyment of the Park 4a Heather Hopper service 20 85 4b Expansion to include cycle racks 86 4c Establish need for public transport links to setting off points 0 87 4d Integrated ticketing 88 4e More safe routes to schools 0 89 4f Promote 'quiet roads' 0 90 4g Interpretation at car parks to encourage longer stays 0 91 Promoting health lifestyles 5a Paths to health schemes 5 92 5b Conference for GPs to promote 'green gym' concept 0 93 5c Physical activity directory 0 94 5d Park for All - promote outdoor access opportunities 0 95 5e No CNPA Actions 0 96 TOTALS Outdoor Access 306 97 6.5 Tourism & Business 98 Making tourism everyone's business 1a Annual Tourism Conference 4 99 1b Communication with business stakeholders 2 100 1c Omnibus Tourism Enterprise Survey 0 101 1d Research potential for Voluntary Contributions Scheme(s) for visitors 5 102 1e Develop links/encourage collaboration between tourism, transport, land management, food& drink, retail etc. 103 1f Support for CNP LEADER programme. Also funding for legacy community projects and the ACC/Inclusive Cairngorms. 332 104 Encouraging business excellence and quality 2a Identify and promote economic diversification opportunities linked to CNP's special qualities 25 105 2b Promote uptake of environmental management plans & associated accreditation 10 106 2c Park-wide initiatives to promote local crafts & produce 5 107 2d Rural skills training initiatives 18 108 2e Support for CCC 109 2f No CNPA Actions 110 2g benchmark performance to improve customer experience (includes visitor survey) 15 111 2h No CNPA Actions 112 2i Planning to succeed & Monitor farms - link to CATS development of rural skills apprenticeship 113 Promoting sustainable enjoyment of the Park 3a Marketing & promotion 0 114 3b Events/audit & advice/funding 5 115 3c Sustainable tourism monitoring framework agreed with Europarc 2 116 3d Communications re. climate change 117 TOTALS Sustainable Tourism/Business 423 118 6.6 Affordable Housing Promoting more affordable and sustainable housing, encouraging delivery agencies to take a 119 Increasing supply & accessibility 1a Support for Community needs assessments/action planning 33 120 1b Support pilot projects 14 121 Effective co-operation & co-ordination 2a Co-ordination of delivery team 122 2b Monitoring housing priority for action performance measures 10 123 2c CNP priorities in LA Housing programmes 5 124 2d Research impact housing has on business 125 Improving quality & sustainability 3a Prepare sustainable design guide 20 126 3b promote sustainable and energy efficient design 127 Effective land and infrastructure 4a Adopt Local Plan - land and policies for housing in local plan and regularly review. 80 128 4d Promote housing developments 129 TOTALS Affordable Sustainable House 162 130 6.7 Awareness & Understanding 131 Signage 1a Install entry point markers 60 132 1b Install pre-arrival signage 18 133 1c NP Brand to signpost some natural features & attractions 0 134 1d Produce guidance to raise standards of business & community signposting 0 135 Key places for information transfer & interpretation 2a Support TICs, VCs and ranger bases to get information across about the Park 59 136 2b Identify other key places to get across or modify information about the Park 20 137 2c Guidance & implementation of interpretation framework 20 138 2d Install info. at key entry points 20 139 2e Promote & interpret NNRs as best places to experience special natural qualities of the Park 0 140 2f ID and promote themes on influence of man on the Park 0 141 2g Make information available about the key, easy to access features that represent SQs of the Park 0 142 2h Communities present their stories about their place in the Park 0 143 People and the Park 3a Develop ranger services that meet needs of visitors, land managers and communities 15 144 3b Share good practice to raise A&U of SQs and the benefits of looking after them 25 145 3c Develop programme of practical conservation volunteering 0 146 3d Extend JMA to encourage people to experience a sense of wildness and share experiences 30 147 3e Develop programme to encourage ambassadors of the Park 7 148 3f ID what is special to residents & visitors about the Park 0 149 3g Programme of events to interpret the Parks SQs 2 150 3h Develop outreach programme 10 151 3i Use formal education sector/curriculum for excellence to enthuse young people about the Park 8 152 Print & web resources 4a Develop customer orientated website/entry portal to other sites 20 153 4b Use other websites to provide information about the Park 0 154 4c Develop publications about the SQs and how to enjoy them 37 155 4d Co-ordinate print & web material to meet visitor needs 0 156 4e Provide info. for people who find it difficult to access the park 8 157 4f Develop style/design publication templates to promote CNP ID 0 158 4g Develop educational resources 3 159 Marketing and the National Park 5a Provide co-ordinated marketing approach via use of the brand 23 160 5b Roll out use of brand on signs, publications, visitor information 20 161 5c Market attractions/places to promote the Park's ID/integrity 0 162 Developing our collective understanding of the SQs 6a Fill gaps in information in the State of the Park report 50 163 6b Promote Park as case study and pilot area 164 6c Understand more about the SQs and how they are valued and share with partners 165 6d find new ways to make information about the Park available for everyone to use 0 166 TOTALS Awareness and Understanding 455 167 Strategy and Communications 168 Co-ordinate NPP delivery 15 169 Develop NPP 2012-2017 5 170 CNPA Corporate Plan, Annual Reports & CNPA booklet 13 171 Gaelic Language Plan 5 172 CNPA website/intranet 37 173 Stakeholder Engagement Events 21 174 Opinion Poll Survey 10 175 Media Relations 5 176 Park Life 13 177 Community Awards/Newsletters 0 178 Newsletters/leaflets - general 179 Climate Change PR 180 181 TOTALS Communications 124 182 Planning & Development Mgt Range of Supplementary Planning Guidance 20 183 Enforcement/Monitoring 44 184 Local Plan Implementation 185 E planning & on line dev plans 186 Deliver PDM statutory duty 187 GIS services 188 TOTALS Planning 64 189 190 Corporate Services Activities 191 192 Developing long-term accommodation plans 30 193 Implementing an ICT strategy in support of the Corporate Plan 194 Support and implement good governance and standards 195 Coordinating implementation and monitoring of organisational performance management systems 196 Leading and coordinating CNPA Greening Initiatives 197 Developing and implementing a Sustainability Fund for the Park 30 198 Securing third party funding support for the Park 199 Securing Best Value in service delivery 200 Maintaining efficient and effective internal controls 201 Delivering financial services to support achievement of financial and corporate targets 202 Maintaining effective staff consultative processes 203 Developing and implementing effective HR strategy and policy 204 Supporting organisational service delivery through training and development 205 Implementing Scotland's Environmental And Rural Service (SEARS) in the Cairngorms 206 Developing and implementing effective and efficient shared service arrangements 207 Developing and implementing shared information services with The Highland Council - Single Service Point Project 208 Developing appropriate arrangements to address implications of Boundary changes 209 Supporting the Scottish Government's Strategic Review of National Parks 210 211 Corporate Services 60 Total 1931